Nautor's Swan 82RS
A leading edge in modern design

Every so often, an outstanding development is achieved in the world of sailing yachts. Marking a significant milestone in design and modern yacht building technology. The very latest Swan, the 82RS, represents such a development for Nautor's Swan.
At almost twenty-five meters LOA, the Swan 82RS (RS = Raised Saloon) incorporates advanced engineering and components in its design. Equipped with a powerful sail plan, the 82RS offers enormous sailing potential for an owner whilst achieving luxurious comfort above and below decks for owner and guests.

Look at the boat: Drawings

Length overall:
Length of waterline:
Draft (light):
Draft (loaded):
Displacement (light):
Displacement (loaded):
Engine - YANMAR 4LH-STE:
Hot water:
Water maker (per 24h):
DC Power:
AC Power:
Shore Power:

Rig and sail dimensions
Sail areas
Fore triangle:
Main sail:
110% jib:
Asymmetric Spinnaker:
24.89 m
21.26 m
5.86 m
3.78 m
3.84 m
38000 kg
42000 kg
14300 kg
162 kW
1000 ltr
80 ltr
4500 ltr
2020 ltr
24 V
12 kVA
230/115 V

32.15 m
9.04 m
29.00 m
10.065 m

145.3 m·
145.9 m·
159.8 m·
523 m·

81.66 ft
69.75 ft
19.22 ft
12.40 ft
12.60 ft
83800 lbs
92600 lbs
31500 lbs
220 HP
264 US gal
21 US gal
1200 US gal
534 US gal
1440 Ah
50 Hz
50 A

105.48 ft
29.66 ft
95.14 ft
33.02 ft

1564 sq ft
1571 sq ft
1720 sq ft
5631 sq ft