Nautor's Swan 112RS
NautorŐs first super-yacht

With the first launched in April 1999, the Swan 112RS represented the largest construction project undertaken by the Nautor yard. With her 34.34 metres LOA, this yacht shows real thought and is proof of Nautor's inherent yacht building ability.
The hull design details a single skin GRP construction. Using vinylester resin, stitched multi-axial reinforcements and stiffeners with unidirectional glass fibre the result is a strong and highly durable hull. The single skin GRP hull promotes ease of maintenance and repair, avoids the problem of corrosion and alleviates weight through closely spaced stiffeners, composite bulkheads and chainplates.

Look at the boat: Drawings

Length overall:
Length of waterline:
Draft (light):
Draft (loaded):
Displacement (light):
Displacement (loaded):
Engine - MTU:
Hot water:
Water maker (per 24 h):
DC Power:
AC Power:

Shore Power:

Rig and sail dimensions
Sail areas
Fore triangle:
Main sail:
Asymmetric Spinnaker:
34.34 m
28.16 m
7.42 m
4.40 m
4.54 m
110 tonnes
129 tonnes
28 tonnes
305 kW
3000 ltr
300 ltr
13000 ltr
6500 ltr
24 V
2 x 35 kVA

25 kVA
90000 BTU

39.30 m
12.05 m
36.87 m
12.90 m

236.8 mˇ
237.8 mˇ
331.5 mˇ
683 mˇ

112.66 ft
92.39 ft
24.34 ft
14.44 ft
14.90 ft
108 long tons
127 long tons
27.6 long tons
414 HP
793 US gal
79 US gal
3450 US gal
1850 US gal
4000 Ah
230/400 V
50 Hz

129.1 ft
39.5 ft
121.0 ft
42.3 ft

2549 sq ft
2560 sq ft
3568 sq ft
7352 sq ft